TS2000 Tour
                  Supporting Traders since 1994

Algorithmic Trading Tools
for Professional Traders

TradeStation 2000i
Lo standard per Back-Testing e  Automazione di Strategie di Trading

TradeStation®2000i é basato sulla premessa che le emozioni sono il maggiore ostacolo al successo nel trading. Offre la possibilità di affidarsi di meno alle emozioni e dipiù a una strategia obbiettiva che viene attentamente sviluppata e valutata in base ai dati storici. Naturamlente, le performance del passato non garantiscono il sucesso futuro - ma non preferireste conoscere la redditività di una strategia nel passato, prima di affidarle il vostro capitale? E non solo la redditività, ma anche quante operazioni avreste effettuato, quale esposizione  teorica massima avreste raggiunto, e molto altro ancora.



TradeStation 2000i
TradeStation 2000i
Con  TradeStation®2000i puoi avere le risposte a queste e altre domande essenziali  senza bisogno di uno staff di programmatori di computer . Mentre altri servizi di trading e altre applicazioni software offorno solamente indicatori e strumenti di analisi di base, TradeStation 2000i ti porta un passo più in là. Usando una varietà di potenri funzioni e un'estesa base di dati storici dei mercati USA, TradeStation 2000i ti offre la possibilità di sviluppare le tue proprie strategie di trading ed effettuare ogni tipo di simulazione storica per scoprire come la strategia si sarebbe comportata nel periodo preso in  esame.

Con  lo StrategyBuilder di TradeStation 2000i's , di facile utilizzo, potrai creare innumerevoli diverse strategie basate su oltre 100 segnali di ingresso e uscita già presenti nel programma. Oppure potrai creare dall'inizio le tue personali strategie, usando EasyLanguage®, il linguaggio di programmazione proprietario che adopera una sintassi semplice, fatta di termini comuni al trader, , per descrivere le proprie idee di trading. TradeStation 2000i, che offre  potenti funzioni di charting e di analisi, é un supporto prezioso all'analisi delle tue strategie da ogni angolazione immaginabile. TradeStation 2000i include il Financial Database di HISTORYBANK.COM® , che comprende oltre 30 anni di dati storici USA che possono essere usati per effettuare il back-test delle tue strategie per verificare se queste sarebbero state profittevoli nel tempo. Quando sarete pronti a entrare sui mercati, TradeStation 2000i seguirà automaticamente l'andamento delle quotazioni per voi, avvertendovi del momento opportuno per effettuare un'operazione in base ai vostri criteri di ingresso e uscita.

Le Funzioni di TradeStation2000i

TradeStation®2000i offre le funzionalità che vi consentiranno di sviluppare, testare e automatizzare le vostre personali strategie di trading.

TradeStation 2000i

Oggi si trovano facilmente sul mercato innumerevoli programmi di trading con svariati strumenti di analisi :  TradeStation 2000i é sviluppato con funzioni che aituazno nella creazione, test e automazione delle vostre personali startegie di trading.

TradeStation 2000i offre strumenti per creare una strategia e  testarla con dati storici: potrete così  conoscere le prestazioni della strategia relative al periodo in esame, prima di utilizzarla nel trading  reale. Inoltre TradeStation 2000i può seguire automaticamente l'esecuzione della strategia e avvertire quando é il momento di effetturare l'acquisto o la vendita in base ai criteri che avete specificato.

Ecco come TradeStation 2000i può consentire lo sviluppo, il back-testing e l'automazione delle vostre personali strategie di trading:

Sviluppo. Potete sviluppare le vostre proprie strategie di trading con i comandi di  StrategyBuilder  TradeStation 2000i combinando decine di segnali di ingresso e uscita già presenti in TradeStation 2000i, in varie combinazioni. Inoltre é possibile creare segnali interamente nuovi con  EasyLanguage®, il linguaggio per sistemi di trading, e utilizzarli per raffinare ulteriornmente le proprie strategie. TradeStation 2000i contiene oltre 200 indicatori e "studi" già pronti all'uso

Back-test. Con  TradeStation 2000i, potrete effettuare il  back-test delle vostre strategie usando i dati di  HISTORYBANK.COM, un ampio database di dati storici USA, e potrete analizzare le vostre strategie da ogni punto di vista utilizzando funzioni di charting e analisi davvero uniche.

Automazione. Quando vi sentirete soddisfatti dalle simulazioni sui  dati storici, TradeStation 2000i potrà automatizzare l'esame  in tempo reale delle vostre strategie di trading. La finestra di  QuoteMonitor terrà sotto controllo attivo i mercati cercando le occasioni che corrispondono ai vostri obbiettivi di trading. La funzione di  Custom Alert attiverà degli allarmi sul vostro PC, anche via e-mail o pager alfanumerico, al verificarsi delle opportunità di buy o sell secondo i criteri impostati nelle vostre strategie. Il Tracking Center consentirà di tenere sotto controllo lo stato delle posizioni aperte.



Le Funzioni di TradeStation2000i: Tecnologia e Potenza ai massimi livelli

Le avanzatissime funzioni tecniche di TradeStation®2000i rendono possibile creazione, test e automazione delle proprie strategie di trading sul proprio PC. TradeStation 2000i permette di usare la potenza e la stabilità inerenti alle applicazioni a 32 bit, e varie funzioni e opzioni consentite dall'architettura COM::

TradeStation 2000i' é scritto in architettura COM che consente di aprire ogni tipo di "Active Document" all'interno di un WorkSpace:  comprendendo ogni oggetto, dalle chart di TradeStation 2000i ...ai Browser Internet ...agli  spreadsheet Excel.

COM Architecture

Architettura Microsoft COM . TradeStation 2000i é costruito sull' architettura Microsoft COM che permette di aprire ogni tipo di oggetto, come spreadsheet Excel  e browser Internet, dall'interno di ogni workspace TradeStation. questa tecnologia permette di incorporare ogni  "Active Document" nei vostri workspaces. Potrete così visualizzare a fianco delle charts e quotazioni TradeStation ogni applicazione Microsoft o di altri produttori e altri prodotti aggiuntivi..

Integrazione Internet. TradeStation 2000i é stato sviluppato con orientamento all'utilizzo di  Internet.. razie alla Open Architecture di  TradeStation 2000i potrete accedere, direttamente dal vostro workspace, ad ogni sito Internet..

Ricerche in Internet. Fare ricerche su Internet da  TradeStation 2000i é semplicissimo. Un click del mouse su una chart apre automaticamente un "Browser Intelligente" che vi indirizza a uno specifico sito per quel particolare Simbolo, permettendovi di ottenere rapidamente notizie e dati sui simboli che state seguendo. E questo all'interno del workspace, per non perdere la visione contemporanea dei grafici che state osservando.

GlobalServer®. Il  GlobalServer é il cuore di  TradeStation 2000i, e gestisce ogni aspettodella manutenzione dei dati. ' in grado di collezionare migliaia di strumenti contemporaneamente su varie serie (Trade record, Bid, Ask..)  -- in funzione del fornitore dati e dell'hardware del PC. tramite le difinizioni contenute nei  Data Collection Templates permette di scegliere e visualizzare combinazioni di categorie di simboli.  

Charting Illimitato. Con  TradeStation 2000i, potrete visualizzare grafici contenenti  100,000, 500,000 o  1,000,000 di barre. Non vi sono limiti alla vostra capacità di analisi. Questo é particolarmente importante se osservate estesi periodi di quotazioni a tick , 1 minuto o 5 minuti .

La potenza di TradeStation 2000i rende reale la possibilità di sviluppare e testare i vostri personali Sistemi i Trading. Lo StrategyBuilder™ é il punto di inizio…



Le Funzioni di TradeStation2000i:  StrategyBuilder™

StrategyBuilder™ di TradeStation®2000i : la funzione di sviluppo delle strategie di trading .

Usando StrategyBuilder, con la sua facile  interfaccia " point-and-click", potrete combinare tra loro un numero pressocché illimitato di segnali (ordini di sell e buy) in una strategia di tradinged entrare nell'ambiente di creazione delle vostre personali strategie.

StrategyBuilder consente di definire  specifiche condizioni di acquisto e vendita scegliendole dalla libreria TradeStation 2000i di segnali di entrata e uscita , a cui potete aggiungere i segnali  da voi disegnati.


L' Help Online , molto esteso, descrive in modo approfondito come ciascun segnale lavora.

Online Help

Segnali In Dotazione. TradeStation 2000i include 97 condizioni di ingresso e uscita o "signals" già pronti all'uso.Potete combinare questi segnali in dotazione in qualunque forma per creare le vostre personali strategie di trading. Ogni segnale é basato su indicatori tecnici o concetti di trading tra i principali e più diffusi.

 Each signal is based on a widely-used technical indicator or trading concept. And if you're not quite sure how each signal works, simply clicking on the "Define" icon brings up a description for you. You'll soon feel comfortable combining more and more signals and creating a potentially limitless number of your own trading strategies to test.

Custom Signals. And, your entry and exit conditions can be as simple or as complex as you desire because TradeStation 2000i allows you to customize existing signals and create new ones from scratch using EasyLanguage® . EasyLanguage is the world-standard trading language developed by TradeStation Technologies which uses everyday trading terms to describe trading ideas. With TradeStation 2000i's PowerEditor®, you'll be able to create your own signals in EasyLanguage and add them to any directory in StrategyBuilder. Then you can combine them again and again, easily and quickly, to create many different custom combinations and trading strategies to test.

You may just find a strategy that works for you using the pre-written signals, but with EasyLanguage, you'll be able to write your own signals plus customize many aspects of the program to fit your specific needs…


Feature Tour: EasyLanguage®

Only TradeStation®2000i gives you the ability to create your own signals, indicators and strategies using everyday language. When TradeStation Technologies first pioneered the concept of developing and back-testing custom trading strategies, we also created EasyLanguage, which lets you describe your trading ideas using everyday trading terms and English-like statements. Up until then, the ability to create computerized trading strategies belonged exclusively to software programmers and institutional money managers. With EasyLanguage, you don't need to be a computer wizard to create your own trading strategies in TradeStation 2000i.

With TradeStation 2000i's EasyLanguage, you'll be able to create your own signals and trading strategies to test. We've included pre-written templates, plus an EasyLanguage Dictionary with hundreds of pre-written functions including a "Define" feature.


PowerEditor. Using EasyLanguage and the PowerEditor®, you'll be able to customize many of the features of the program to fit your particular needs. You'll have the tools you'll need to create your own strategies from scratch. Or, you can use over 300 built-in functions and formulas as building blocks that you can cut, paste and combine to create your own strategies. The intelligent PowerEditor will even automatically color code your trading terms by category so you can easily distinguish the different condition. And, the PowerEditor also includes a multi-file search feature and quick reference guide to EasyLanguage words and functions.

The World Standard. EasyLanguage is the world standard trading language. Many of the world's top strategy developers use TradeStation 2000i and the flexibility of EasyLanguage to create and test their own strategies. In fact, EasyLanguage is so widely recognized that trading publications even publish the exact EasyLanguage terms and statements for many of the strategies they review so that readers can try them for themselves.

With the flexibility of EasyLanguage, your only limit is your imagination. Add to this the ability to test your strategies and you'll begin to see what separates TradeStation 2000i from the ordinary trading tool…



Feature Tour: Strategy Testing to the Tick Level

With TradeStation®2000i, you'll have detailed data to see right down to the tick level. Now independent traders have the ability to test trading strategies using this precision and realism. Why is this so important when developing and testing your trading strategy? Because the more precise and realistic your simulations are, the more likely it is that a historically successful strategy could prove successful in the future:

Strategy Testing to the Tick Level

With TradeStation 2000i, you'll be able to look at every trade within a bar and know what happened. And, only TradeStation 2000i can look at the exact order of the trades that occurred during the bar. That way you can determine which entry order would have actually been filled first.

Here are just two examples of Strategy Testing to the Tick Level:

Let's say that you're testing a trading strategy that generates a buy stop order at 100. TradeStation 2000i doesn't just simulate a fill at 100 when the market crosses that price. It is actually capable of looking to see if any trades occurred at that price. If it didn't, your order is filled at the closest price above 100 at which the market actually traded, and therefore gives you a more realistic and reliable testing result.

Strategy Testing to the Tick Level

Now, let's say that you're testing a strategy that generates two entry orders on the same day: one a buy stop order at 100 and the other a sell stop order at 98. And the range for that particular day was 97-101. If both price points were hit in a single day, without Strategy Testing to the Tick Level, there's no way to know for certain if you were short or long at the end of the day.

Strategy Testing to the Tick Level


With HISTORYBANK.COM® Financial Database, you'll be able to back-test your strategies with an extensive historical market database. From stocks to futures to options, HISTORYBANK.COM contains an in-depth collection of historical data. This level of data was previously available only to institutional level traders, and they've paid thousands of dollars to access such information.

With just a few clicks of the mouse, you'll be able to view a historical price chart with buy and sell arrows marking every trade that would have occurred if you had traded your strategy. This is made possible by the extensive historical data from HISTORYBANK.COM.


It's yours FREE. As a special limited-time offer, HISTORYBANK.COM Financial Database is included FREE on CD with your TradeStation 2000i purchase. That's a $995 value. Plus, we've also included FREE daily updates via the Internet through HISTORYBANK.COM Daily Update Service, TradeStation Technologies' Internet end-of-day financial market data service.

Tailored for Strategy Back-Testing. HISTORYBANK.COM is a data source completely tailored to strategy back-testing. After all, your back-testing results are only as good as the data you use. So the data was collected and compiled with the purpose of being used by someone to make important trading decisions. No detail was spared. And, data for stocks, options and futures is specifically tailored to take into account the uniqueness of each market.

Accurate and Extensive. HISTORYBANK.COM includes over 30 years of historical market data, including daily price and volume information for virtually every stock and commodity and all major indexes traded in the U.S., as well as a complete historical resource for stock splits of all kinds.

Daily Update Service. And, with the Daily Update Service, you'll have up-to-date information. You'll be able to update your database daily. With a simple click of a button, you'll have updated daily prices, stock split adjustments, symbol name changes, new issues, options and futures data and much more.

It's with this unique collection of historical data that TradeStation 2000i is able to help you design trading strategies. Once you've created your trading strategies and applied them to historical patterns, you can analyze them from many angles using TradeStation 2000i's Strategy Performance Report…

Feature Tour: Strategy Performance Report

TradeStation®2000i's Strategy Performance Report includes over 200 performance fields and graphs to evaluate your strategy's characteristics. The Strategy Performance Report will help you analyze your strategy from numerous angles. This feature helps you see how your strategy could have been performed had you traded it in the past.

Strategy Performance Report

Over 200 performance fields and graphs will not only show you if your strategy works, but also give you crucial details to let you know if it matches your trading style and goals.

10 In-Depth Analysis Sections. You'll have 10 analysis sections with over 180 performance fields for you to analyze your strategy's simulated historical performance. You'll see the percent of time your strategy was in the market, as well as the exact number of days, weeks, months and years. You'll know the average time your strategy was in trades, between trades, and even the largest time between winning and losing trades. And, you'll be able to evaluate any strategy with a list of established risk-reward ratios, and see how your strategy performs from perspectives such as entry and exit efficiency and stability. TradeStation 2000i even includes a trade-by-trade report that you can sort by the factors you consider most important, whether that's total percentage of profit, total efficiency rating, run-up or a list of other criteria.

State-of-the-Art Graphs. Since it's helpful to see this information in more than one format, Strategy Performance Report also includes over 20 graphs for you to highlight your strategy's key traits visually. You'll be able to evaluate your trading strategies from almost every possible angle.



Strategy Performance Report will give you a full picture of your trading strategies' simulated historical performance. And, TradeStation 2000i also includes a library of anlalysis tools to not only help you further analyze your strategies, but also to help you uncover new ideas to test…



Feature Tour: Unique Analysis Tool Library

With TradeStation®2000i, you'll have over 200 of the most popular indicators, drawing tools and studies which can visually highlight and reveal potentially profitable chart patterns. This library of analysis tools could help be the building blocks of most of your trading strategies. Popular charting and analysis tools including Moving Averages and Stochastics are built right in, plus a multitude of others. And as comprehensive as this list is, you'll never be limited to a set of pre-defined analysis techniques, because every single indicator and analysis technique is completely customizable, thanks to the flexibility of EasyLanguage. And, you even have the ability to set alerts on your indicators and drawing tools.

Just look at some of the unique analysis features you'll have at your fingertips:

Built-In Indicators. You'll have a library of market indicators to assist you in forecasting the market’s direction and in making decisions. In addition, all of TradeStation 2000i's indicators include an Expert Commentary that you can view simply by clicking on a bar. This learning tool highlights and explains just what is happening on your chart at each bar.

PaintBar™ Studies. This analysis feature evaluates the price data in your chart to determine whether or not a certain condition is true by painting a different color the bars. This enables you to view when the market is in a certain mode. For example, you can paint the bars one color when the slow moving average is above the fast moving average and another when the opposite is true. TradeStation 2000i includes 16 built-in studies, and you can create your own using EasyLanguage.

ShowMe™ Studies. This analysis study reveals potentially important market patterns by "marking" certain bars with a colored dot whenever a certain condition is true. This enables you to view the frequency and consequences of certain market conditions. For instance, you could ask TradeStation 2000i to mark every bar where the volume was 30% greater than the average volume of the previous 20 bars. And you'd see the results in seconds--for every single bar of your test period. 23 built-in studies are included, but with EasyLanguage, you can create as many as you can think up.

Drawing Tools. With TradeStation 2000i's drawing tools, you'll be able to measure, mark and highlight your data. You'll have access to popular trading tools such as the Gann Fan, Fibonacci cycle and Support/Resistance lines, along with free-form tools for adding your own rectangles, circles, arcs, pointers and text to a chart.

SmartStyling™. Add yet another dimension to all the indicators on your charts with the SmartStyling tool. You can custom design the density and color of your indicators to reflect any condition you'd like. For example, gauge the market activity of a particular security by having the moving average line get thicker as the volume increases. And then, also have the indicator change in color when trading volume exceeds a certain number. With SmartStyling, your indicators take on a whole new dimension.

ProbabilityMap® Studies. This feature lets you try to forecast future market activity based on your own historical testing. TradeStation 2000i includes two built-in ProbabilityMaps, Normal Distribution and Normal Range, plus the ability to create your own with EasyLanguage.

Plot Into the Future. How many times have you been viewing a chart and mentally tried to extend the trendline or analysis to the right of the chart? Well, you don't have to visualize it any more, because now you can do it automatically with TradeStation 2000i. Plotting indicators, trend lines, PaintBar and ShowMe Studies into the future is as simple as clicking and dragging your analysis technique to the right on your chart.

These unique analysis features are designed to bring you new insights into the market that can expand, take shape and evolve into your own trading strategies, but TradeStation 2000i's analysis features don't end there…





Feature Tour: ActivityBar® Studies

ActivityBar Studies

TradeStation®2000i brings you in-depth views of the markets. With ActivityBar Studies, you can see trading activity "inside the bar" such as the ratio of buyers vs. sellers at each point on the bar, where the greatest trading volume occurred and more.

You'll have the ability to develop trading strategies based on an unique view of the markets. ActivityBar Studies are fully customizable using EasyLanguage, so you can change them to fit your needs. TradeStation 2000i includes these built-in ActivityBar Studies:

Buyers vs. Sellers shows you the dominant force in the market—the proportion of buyers (bid) vs. sellers (ask) within each bar.

The Volume Distribution ActivityBar shows the distribution of price volume and the order of that activity through the bar.

Volume Distribution ActivityBar

Candlestick Volume Accumulation looks very much like a candlestick chart, with the additional feature of showing the width of the body of the bar increasing as volume increases. Each time the volume meets or exceeds a specified amount, additional cells are added to the right of the bar. A colored line shows you if the close was above the open (hollow), or below the open (filled).

Volume Distribution shows the distribution of price volume throughout the ActivityBar and the order of that activity throughout the bar. Each time the volume is greater than a specified amount, a range of cells is added to the right of the bar. In addition, each cell can be customized to show a different letter or number to signify different time intervals within the bar.

Price Distribution shows you where the price action occurred in each bar to help you determine the strength of the prices of the final bar. A highlighted zone shows you the number of standard deviations above/below the row with the highest number of cells (most price action) per bar.

Up vs. Down Strength shows you the strength of the Up closes and the Down closes per each specified range of ActivityData. When the volume exceeds a level you set, and the close is less than the previous close, cells are added to the left. When the close is greater than the previous close, cells are added to the right.

The Volume at Price ActivityBar shows you the strength of the volume. Additional cells are added when the level of volume exceeds a specified amount.

Volume at Price ActivityBar

Volume at Price is similar to the Volume Distribution ActivityBar, except that it shows you the strength of the volume, instead of the actual distribution. Additional cells are added when the level of volume exceeds a specified amount. As the volume is exceeded further, more cells are added. You also have the ability to break up the bar into specified time intervals by customizing the cell colors.

As you can see, TradeStation 2000i gives you the ability to develop, test and optimize your own trading strategies. And, TradeStation 2000i can also help you implement your strategies by identifying the particular stocks that fit your strategies' objectives…


Feature Tour: QuoteMonitor

TradeStation®2000i's QuoteMonitor will help keep your finger on the pulse of the market so you'll know when opportunities arise that fit your trading strategy. TradeStation 2000i's QuoteMonitor allows you to scan, rank and sort thousands of symbols to help you quickly and easily identify market opportunities based on your strategy. QuoteMonitor offers you the flexibility to view as many quotes as you'd like in many different customizable styles, and even the ability to set alerts on an end-of-day or real-time basis. And it's easy to use--adding a new symbol simply means typing the symbol directly into any window.

Apply Indicators and Set Alerts. QuoteMonitor lets you apply dozens of built-in indicators to your quote windows with a simple drag-and-drop, and set alerts on any column. Using a library of pre-written indicators, you'll be able to customize your columns to alert you to a host of possible opportunities based on the latest tick.

Fully Customizable Screen. With QuoteMonitor, you'll also be able to format your screen to easily display what's most important to you. You can choose to display your quotes in fractions or decimals. Plus, you can customize your windows, and organize them in up to eight pages per window, with the ability to display hundreds of symbols in each page. And switching between windows is as easy as clicking on tabs on the bottom of your screen. You'll also be able to change the colors per cell, choose and modify the fonts to highlight specific criteria you consider most important, add or remove headings with a simple click of your mouse, and resize columns just as easily. You'll even be able to sort by any column by just double-clicking on the header.

With QuoteMonitor, you'll have the tools to identify potential market opportunities based on your trading strategies. And once you're ready to act on those opportunities, TradeStation 2000i can actively monitor your open positions for you…



Feature Tour: Tracking Center and Custom Alerts

TradeStation®2000i will actively monitor the markets for you and automatically alert you whenever a buy or sell opportunity arises based on your own criteria. Once you've developed your trading strategies, TradeStation 2000i will monitor the markets for you, alert you to opportunities, and allow you to react quickly to make those trades. The Tracking Center will monitor hundreds of securities tick by tick and alert you when certain criteria based on your trading strategies, indicators, drawing tools, or any other study have been met.

Tracking Center

The Tracking Center keeps track of all your Alerts, Open Orders, Cancelled Orders, and your Open Position at all times.

Easy Tab Interface. With Tracking Center's easy tab interface, you'll have immediate access to all your alerts, orders and open position information. The Alerts tab will list all indicator, study and drawing tool alerts that have been triggered. The Active Orders tab will list all new market orders generated by your trading strategies that are waiting to be filled by market activity; i.e. limit or stop orders. The Open Positions tab will list all current long or short positions held by strategies currently being monitored. And once an order has been filled by market activity, TradeStation 2000i will move it from the Active Order tab to the Filled Order list. Tracking Center will even tell you when you've reached your profit target, and track your open position profit and loss for you.

Customize and Filter. You'll be able to sort and color code columns to customize your display any way you like. And you can even choose to filter the information you view. So if you'd like to view only alerts for one symbol for example, you can easily customize your view to only show you information for that symbol. At any time, you'll be able to change your view to show alerts for a certain symbol, an analysis technique or any combination you choose.

TradeStation 2000i can alert you to market moves on your screen, using your pager or even via e-mail.


Custom Alerts. TradeStation 2000i is designed to automatically alert you whenever a buy or sell opportunity arises based on your own criteria by sending a visual and audio alert on your computer. But even if you're away from your computer, you'll know when the market makes a move because TradeStation 2000i can even alert you via your alphanumeric pager or e-mail.



Copyright itservice.net 2009

Copyright itservice.net 2009